
    Governor Dr. Hari Babu Kambhampati addresses the first session of the 9th Mizoram Legislative Assembly today

    Publish Date: December 13, 2023
    Legislative Assembly

    Aizawl, the 13th December 2023: Governor Dr Hari Babu Kambhampati addressed the First Session of the Ninth Mizoram Legislative Assembly today. In his address, the Governor highlighted the directions in which his Government, under the new ministry, would proceed to fulfil their policy of change, growth and development for the state of Mizoram.

    The governor opened his address by congratulating the people of Mizoram, who participated in large numbers in the recently concluded General Election held on the 7th of November 2023. He opined that the high voting turnout percentage of 80.43 per cent is a testament to the deepening and keen interest shown by the people of Mizoram in the election.

    He extended his greetings and warm felicitations to all the elected members of the Assembly; in particular, the 23 members, who were elected for the first time to this august House. The governor also stated the election of 3 women MLAs from different parts of the state is unprecedented in the legislative history of Mizoram. He hoped that this historic achievement by the women in Mizoram would certainly have a positive impact on the lives of women across the state.

    On the success of yet another free and fair election, the Governor acknowledged the efforts and the contributions of the bureaucracy and law enforcing agencies, supplemented whole-heartedly by the endeavours and efforts of the civil society, NGOs and Churches in general, and the Mizoram People’s Forum (MPF) in particular.

    He endorsed that the outcome of the election is indicative of the people’s yearning for a new system – ‘Kalphung Thar’, and that it reflected the firm conviction of our people in the democratic process of change.

    In his address, Governor Dr Hari Babu Kambhampati introduced that there would be seven broad areas of thrust encompassing the six basic needs that will be accorded importance by his Government in the next five years.

    – Responsible and responsive administration guided by the principles of good governance and accountability

    – Ensuring steady and sustainable development in all sectors

    – Providing support and impetus to the industry

    – Access to social security and social equity

    – Youth welfare and development

    – Protection of the environment

    – Long-term developmental projects which can have transformative outcomes

    Full Speech of Governor Dr Hari Babu Kambhampati :


    Vawiin khan Mizoram Legislative Assembly vawi 9-na session hmasa berah Governor Dr Hari Babu Kambhampati chuan sawrkar thar hmalak dan tur tlangpui a sawi (Mizo)

    Aizawl, 13th December 2023: Mizoram Legislative Assembly vawi 9-na First Session-ah vawiin khan Governor Dr Hari Babu Kambhampati chuan thu a sawi a. Governor hian a sawrkarin Ministry thar hnuaiah Mizoram hmasawnna leh intodelhna atana hmalak dan tur tlang pui leh a hawi lam te a tarlang a ni.

    Governor chuan thuhmahruai neiin tunhnaia General Election kan neih zawh tak, November 7, 2023-ah khan mipui tam tak an tel a, vote tla zat chu za zela 80.43 lai a ni tih a sawi a. Hei hian Mizoram mipuiten inthlan a hma aiin an ngaihven sawt a, an a rualawhna te hriatthiam pui thei ber tura ang ngaih, Sawrkar(Ministry) thlan kawngah an mawhphurhna pawimawh zia te an hre thar a, a lawmawm takzet a ni a ti.

    Governor chuan MLA thlan tlin te lawmpuina leh duhsakna a hlan a; a bik takin, a vawi khatna atana thlan tlin member 23 te a lawmpui tih a sawi. State chhung hmun hrang hrang atanga hmeichhe MLA 3 thlan tlin chu Mizoram legislative history-ah a la awm ngai a nih thu a sawi a. Hei hi Mizorama hmeichhiate hlawhtlinna ropui tak a ni a. An hlawhtlinna hian state puma hmeichhiate tan phurna thar a pek ngei a rin thu a sawi bawk.

    Inthlanna zalen leh felfai tak kan neih lehna kawngah, Governor chuan Sawrkar hnathawkte, a bikin dan leh thupek kengkawhtute inpekna te bakah NGO leh Kohhran leh mipuite thlawpna a ropui tih a sawi a. People’s Forum (MPF) in hna an thawk tha tih a sawi bawk.

    Governor chuan he Inthlan result hian mipuiten system thar – ‘Kalphung Thar’ an duh a ni tih a tilang a, democracy kalphung inthlak danglamna kawngah kan mipuite rinna nghet tak a lantir tih a sawi bawk.

    Governor Dr Hari Babu Kambhampati chuan kum nga chhunga a Sawrkar-in a ngaih pawimawh tur – kan mamawh zinga pawimawh zual paruk huam chhungah thapui thawhna tur kawng pasarih a awm tih a sawi:

    – Sawrkar tha, inrelbawlna tha tak hnuaia mipui tana hnathawk, langtlang leh innghahna tlak siam

    – Sector zawng zawngah hmasawnna ngelnghet siam tura hmalakna

    – Industry sector lama tanlak

    – Mitin ban phaka social security chhawp leh khua leh tuite mamawhna ang zawn zeal hmalak

    – Thalaite tana hamthatna leh hmasawnna buatsaih

    – Kan chhehvel min hualtu boruak, thing leh mau, leilung, nungcha etc.(Environment ) venhim leh humhalh

    – Khuarei thlenga kan chhawr tur leh hlawkpui tur hmasawnna ruhrel din.

    Governor Dr Hari Babu Kambhampati thusawi kimchang :


    Written by: Malsawmsanga, MIS, PRO to Governor