
    Governor Dr Hari Babu Kambhampati inaugurates National Workshop on AI Based Financial Empowerment for Mizoram at Mizoram University

    Publish Date: May 9, 2024
    National Workshop on AI Based Financial Empowerment

    Aizawl, the 9th May 2024: Governor Dr Hari Babu Kambhampati graced the inaugural session of the National Level Workshop, “Artificial Intelligence based Financial Empowerment for Mizoram”, as the Chief Guest at Auditorium, Mizoram University (MZU) today.

    In his inaugural address, Governor Dr Hari Babu Kambhampati, Chief Rector of MZU spoke about how the introduction of Artificial intelligence in technology brings about improvement in our standard of living, how it accelerates economic growth and how it empowers the consumers by ease of doing business. He appreciated the practicality of these AI-based projects on Financial Technology taken up by Mizoram University and NIT Mizoram in attempting to improve existing systems and conditions in financial technologies key sectors – farming, transport, health, industries, etc. He thanked the NM-ICPS, DST for funding MZU and NIT through IBITF, IIT Bhilai on these AI-based Financial Technology Projects. He also lauded the innovative ideas of the Project Investigators, Co-Project Investigators under the aegis of the administrations of MZU and NIT respectively.

    Under the aegis of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), the National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber-Physical Systems (NM-ICPS) has provided funding to IIT Bhilai to host the Technology Innovation Hub (TIH). Presently, IIT Bhilai approved and funded 6 projects of Mizoram University and 5 projects of NIT Mizoram on Financial Technology. During the inaugural session, one of the projects under MZU, “Sustainable Smart Parking Solution for Aizawl City”, taken by PI: Dr Morrel VL Nunsanga, Asst Professor along with Co-PIs: Dr Rakesh Matam, Assoc professor, Dr R.Lalchhanhima, Asst Professor and Smt Vanlalmuansangi Khenglawt, Asst Professor was showcased and commented. During the technical session, all the 6 projects taken up by MZU will be presented, reviewed and discussed.

    The inaugural session commenced with a welcome address by Prof Ajoy Kumar Khan, Department of Computer Engineering, coordinator of the workshop. Prof Sudipta Chattopadhyay, Dean, School of Engineering and Technology, Prof Pravakar Rath, Acting Vice Chancellor, Prof Lalnundanga, Registrar and Prof Santosh Biswas, Project Director, IBITF, IIT Bhilai were the other speakers. The program concluded with a vote of thanks by Dr R.Chawngsangpuii, Assoc Professor, Department of IT, MZU.


    Governor Dr Hari Babu Kambhampati chuan Mizoram University-ah National Workshop on AI Based Financial Empowerment for Mizoram hawng (Mizo)

    Aizawl, the 9th May 2024: Vawiin khan Auditorium, Mizoram University (MZU)-ah Khuallian niin National Level Workshop, “Artificial Intelligence based Financial Empowerment for Mizoram” tih chu Governor Dr Hari Babu Kambhampati chuan khuallian a ni.

    Governor Dr Hari Babu Kambhampati, Chief Rector of MZU tunlai khawvelah Artificial Intelligence tangkaina kan mit in kan hmu vek a. Kan nitin nuphungah awlsam nasa takin a thlen a, a tha zawng leh a tangkai zawnga Mizoram tan hman a nih theih nana MZU leh NIT Mizoram mithiam te hmalakna chu thil ropui tak a ni a ti. Mizoram tan bik AI based Financial Technology Projects 11 kalpui mek chu Mizoram mila mipuite tan chhawr tangkai theih chi niin a hriat thu a sawi a. Project Investigator leh Co-Project Investigators te thawhrimna leh remhriatna te chu mipui tan vanneihna, hnathawh leh khawsak tiawlsamtu a la ni thuai dawn tih a sawi. MZU leh NIT Mizoram hotute chu hetiang hmalakna pawimawh bikah te hian nasa zawk a zirbingna kalpui tur leh Patent pawh neih belh zel tura tan la chhunzawm turin a fuih bawk.

    Department of Science and Technology (DST) kaihhruaina hnuaiah National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber-Physical Systems (NM-ICPS) chuan IIT Bhilai hnenah Technology Innovation Hub (TIH) host turin sum a pe a. Tunah hian IIT Bhilai hian Financial Technology huangah Mizoram University hnenah Project 6 leh NIT Mizoram hnenah project 5 kalpuina atan sum a pe a ni. National Seminar hawnna program neih chhung hian MZU hnuaia project pakhat, “Sustainable Smart Parking Solution for Aizawl City”, chu thlirho a ni a. He project hi Project Investigator : Dr Morrel VL Nunsanga, Asst Professor, Co-PI: Dr Rakesh Matam, Assoc Professor, Dr R.Lalchhanhima, Asst Professor leh Pi Vanlalmuansangi Khenglawt, Asst Professor te buatsaih a ni a He Mobile Application kaltlang hian awlsam zawkin lirthei khalh ten lirthei hunna tur an hmu zung zung thei dawn a ni. Hawnna program zawhah hian Technical session neih a ni chhunzawm a. He session chhung hian MZU-in project 6 kalpui mek te chu thlirho a ni a, sawiho leh inrawnkhawmna neih a ni bawk a ni.

    National Workshop hawnna hun hi Prof Ajoy Kumar Khan, Department of Computer Engineering leh workshop coordinator chuan lawmthu sawina hmangin ṭan a. He hunah hian Prof Sudipta Chattopadhyay, Dean, School of Engineering and Technology, Prof Pravakar Rath, Acting Vice Chancellor, Prof Lalnundanga, Registrar leh Prof Santosh Biswas, Project Director, IBITF, IIT Bhilai ten thu an sawi a. Dr R.Chawngsangpuii, Assoc Professor, Department of IT, MZU chuan lawmthu sawiin huntawp a khar thung.


    Written by: Malsawmsanga, MIS, PRO to Governor