
    Governor Hari Babu Kambhampati visits Tamdil Wetland

    Publish Date: October 14, 2022
    Planted Mesua Ferrea

    Aizawl, the 14th October 2022: On his second day of the visit to Saitual District, Governor Hari Babu Kambhampati visited the facilities run by the Tourism Department, Environment, Forest & Climate Change and the Fisheries Department. At these spots Governor was received by the concerned officials. Pu VL Hruaizela Khiangte, Deputy Commissioner, Pu J.Lalmuankima, Superintendent of Police and other officials also provided support and company to Governor at these sites.

    Governor first visited the facility of the Forest Department where he planted Mesua Ferrea, known in Mizo language as Herhse, the symbolic official tree of the state.

    The mini-resort and tourists facilities were the second sites that Governor visited. He interacted with the officials on how they operate the facilities in the area. He urged the Tourism Department to do more on advertising their facilities throughout the state to potential tourists, especially outside the state.

    He also visited the Tamdil Fish Seed Hatchery where he was briefed on the production of Fish seeds for distribution to the fish farmers. The officer on duty from the Fisheries department reported the production of 10 to 20 million fish seeds annually.


    Written by: Malsawmsanga, MIS, Deputy Director


    Governor Hari Babu Kambhampati in Tamdil Wetland huam chhunga department hmalakna te tlawh (Mizo)

    Aizawl, the 14th October 2022: Saitual District tlawh mektu, Governor Hari Babu Kambhampati chuan Tamdil Wetland a tlawh a. Tourism Department, Environment, Forest & Climate Change leh Fisheries Department hmalakna te a endik.

    Governor in Tamdil leh a chhehvel a sawrkar hmunhma a tlawh takah te hian concern official te an lo awm vek a. Governor thil hriat duh leh an department theuh ten helai hmuna hma an lak dan te an lo sawifiah a ni.

    Governor Hari Babu Kambhampati chuan EF&CC te enkawl hmunhma a tlawh hmasa ber a. Tamdil Wetland hungchhung tinuam zel turin heng lai hmuna ramngaw te humhalh a pawimawh tih a sawi a ni. Forest Rest House, Tamdil hung chhungah State Tree – Herhse tiak a phun nghal a ni.

    Tamdil-ah hiang Tourism Deoartment ten mikhual thlen theihna in-te (cottage) 7 zan khat atana Rs 1500 senga riah theihna an enkawl mek a. Heng vottage te hi Governor chuan pawnlam khualzinmite hriatah pholan uar a pawimawh thu a sawi a. Tourism Department in Mizoram hmun hrang hrangah facility tha tak tak an neih te hi khualzinmite hip thei atana chhuanawm tak tak te an ni tih a sawi a. Advertisement leh kawng hrang hrangin Tourism Department chuan an thil neih te hi an tlangzarh thiam leh vawrh lar a ngai a ni a ti.

    Governor hian Tamdil Fish Hatchery a tlawh nghal bawk a. Helai hmunah hian sangha chi kum khatah nuai 100 atanga nuai 200 thleng te, sangha khawitute hnena sem turin an thar thin tih Fishery Officer te chuan an sawi a ni. Fisheries Official te chuan Saitual District chhungah hian Sangha khawi theihna tur hmun rem zau tawk tak a awm thu an sawi bawk a ni.

    Pu VL Hruaizela Khiangte, Deputy Commissioner, Pu J.Lalmuankima, Superintendent of Police leh Official ten Governor hi an tawiawm a ni.


    Written by: Malsawmsanga, MIS, Deputy Director