
    Pu R.Lalramnghaka a retired IAS officer takes oath as the new Chairman of MPSC

    Publish Date: May 20, 2024
    New Chairman of MPSC

    Aizawl, the 20th May, 2024: Pu R.Lalramnghaka, a retired IAS officer, was sworn in as the new Chairman of Mizoram Public Service Commission (MPSC) at the swearing-in ceremony held at Durbar Hall, Raj Bhavan, Aizawl this forenoon.

    The proceeding for oath-taking commenced with Dr Renu Sharma, Chief Secretary who read the warrant of appointment by the Governor. At the ceremony, Governor Hari Babu Kambhampati then administered the Oath of Office, Allegiance and Secrecy to Pu R.Lalramnghaka. Chief Minister Pu Lalduhoma led the attendance of the high dignitaries. Speaker Pu Lalbiakzama, Pu K.Sapdanga, Home Minister and other dignitaries including Pu Zoramthanga, Former Chief Minister, were among those in attendance at the swearing-in programme.

    Pu R.Lalramnghaka holds the degree of B.Sc (Agri). He joined the Mizoram Civil Service in 1991. He was then promted to Indian Administrative Service (IAS) of AGMUT Cadre in 2009. Pu R. Lalramnghaka has a diverse and progressive career path within the Mizoram government. He held important posts under the Government in various capacities – Director, SIRD, D.C. Kolasib, Jt.Secy, LR&S/LAD, Director, LR&S, Director, FCS&CA & Addl. Secretary, LR&S, Secretary, LR&S/LAD, DC, Aizawl, Secretary, Health & Family Welfare Department, Commerce & Industries Department, and Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms. The variety and progressive nature of his postings suggest a well-rounded and capable officer who has been entrusted with key responsibilities by the Mizoram government. Before he was appointed Chairman of MPSC, he held the post of Secretary, General Administration Department &Public Works Department.


    Governor in MPSC Chairman thar atan Pu R.Lalramnghaka, IAS (rtd) rinawmna thu tiam tirin a lalut (Mizo)

    Aizawl, the 20th May, 2024: Governor Dr Hari Babu Kambhampati chuan Pu R.Lalramnghaka, IAS (Rtd) chu vawiin chawhma khan Durbar Hall, Raj Bhavan, Aizawl-ah rinawmna thu tiam tirin Mizoram Public Service Commission (MPSC) Chairman thar atan a lalut.

    Swearing in Ceremony program-ah hian Dr Renu Sharma, Chief Secretary chuan Warrant of Appointment a chhiar hmasa a. Hemi hnu hian Governor Dr Hari Babu Kambhampati chuan R.Lalramnghaka, IAS (Rtd) chu rinawmna thutiam (Oath of Office, Allegiance and Secrecy) chham tirin MPSC Chairman ni atan a lalut a ni.

    MPSC Chairman lakluhna Inkhawmah hian Chief Minister Pu Lalduhoma a tel a. He hunah hian Speaker Pu Lalbiakzama, Home Minister Pu K.Sapdanga, Cabinet Minister te, Minister te, MLA te leh mi pawimawh dangte an tel tha hle a, Pu Zoramthanga, Chief Minister hlui pawh a rawn tel thei a ni.

    Thiamna lamah Pu R.Lalramnghaka hian B.Sc (Agri) degree a nei a. Kum 1991 khan Mizoram Civil Service a zawm a, chumi hnuah kum 2009 khan Indian Administrative Service (IAS), AGMUT Cadre-ah hlankai a ni leh bawk a ni.

    Pu R. Lalramnghaka hian Mizoram sorkar hnuaiah mawhphurhna pawimawh tak tak a chelh tawh thin a. Director, SIRD, D.C. Kolasib, Jt.Secy, LR&S/LAD, Director, LR&S, Director, FCS&CA& Addl. Secretary, LR&S, Secretary, LR&S/LAD, DC, Aizawl, Secretary, Health & Family Welfare Department, Commerce & Industries Department, leh Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms te a ni tawh a. MPSC Chairman atana ruat a nih hma chiah hian Secretary, General Administration Department &Public Works Department a ni bawk. Pu.R.Lalramnghaka hi sawrkar hna thawk tha, hna thiam tak, mahni hna atana inpe mi leh entawn tlak nia sawi a ni.

    Pu.R.Lalramnghaka hi 09.09.1965 khan a piang a. A nu leh pa te chu Pu Kapdaia (L) leh Saikungi (L) te an ni a. A nupui Pi Vanlalliani leh a fate nen Aizawl Electric vengah an cheng mek a ni.


    Written by: Malsawmsanga, MIS, PRO to Governor