
    Rajya Sabha MP Mr. K Vanlalvena meets Governor of Mizoram

    Publish Date: February 23, 2024
    MP Vena

    Aizawl the 23rd February 2024: Pu K Vanlalvena MP(RS) today met with the Governor of Mizoram Pu Hari Babu Kambhampati to discuss issues regarding the current situation of the under construction of Kaladan Multi-modal Transit Transport Project (KMTTP) which is supposed to connect India with South East Asian Countries Via Mizoram.

    Pu K Vanlalvena sought the intervention of the Governor of Mizoram to resolve the impending difficulties for completion of the KMTTP mentioning the importance of the link with the neighbouring countries to boost trade which can have positive impact in the economy of Mizoram. He reiterated the issues dragging the construction and urge the Governor to take up the issues with External Ministry, Home Ministry and Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) Government of India (GOI) so that difficulties regarding the Site Contractor, Security related issues and Construction of the Roads and Bridges are resolved as early as possible.

    The Governor of Mizorm assured his help and mediation in whichever way possible with the concern Ministries (GOI) at his next visit to Delhi.

    In the meeting they also mentioned the importance of the KMTTP inlined with the policy of Act East initiative by the Central Government and also hope to revive the Silk Road in the neighbouring countries.

    Pu K. Vanlalvena was accompanied by Pu Rosangzuala, OSD to Ex-CM Pu Zoramthanga.


    Pu K. Vanlalvena, Rajya Sabha MP leh Mizoram Governor Inkawm (Mizo)

    Aizawl 23rd February, 2024: Vawiin khan Raj Bhawan-ah Pu K. Vanlalvena, MP (RS) leh Dr. Hari Babu Kambhampati Mizoram Governor te chu inkawmin Kaladan Multi-modal Transit Transport Project (KMTTP) kawng sial mek chungchanga harsatna awmte sutkianpui turin a ngen.

    Meeting-ah hian Pu K. Vanlalvena chuan KMTTP sial mek chungchanga harsatna hrang hrang Contractor chungchang te, Security leh lei (bridge) chungchangte sawipuiin an harsatna tawh te chu Governor a nihna angin External Ministry, Home Ministry leh Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) Government of India a thlen turin a ngen.

    Mizoram Governor hian a harsatna thlente tha taka lo dawngsawngin Delhi a zin leh hmasak berah theihtawpa hmalak a tum thu a sawi a ni.

    Meeting-ah hian KMTTP chu Act East Policy hnuaia insumdawnna kalkawng pawimawh tak a nih thu sawiin hmanlai insumdawnna kalkawng (Silk Road) tharthawh leh theih an beisei thu tarlan a ni bawk.

    Pu K. Vanlalvena hi Ex- CM Pu Zoramthanga OSD thin Pu Rosangzuala chuan a tawiawm a ni.


    Written by: Paul Rokima, MIS, IPRO